Woo J (b. 1993)
Motion pictures in Reality
WooJ (Kim Woo-Jung) is an artist born in Seoul in 1993 and based in Seoul, South Korea. When the viewers appreciate his artwork, it takes viewers on an adventure into a black-and-white world once the painting is complete. In that world, everything exists beyond simple black and white. With no defined rules, the audience engages in endless exploration and contemplation within a boundless realm of thought. This opulent experience offers a fresh perspective on relationships and meanings in the external reality. Moreover, that perspective once again sets forth on a new adventure within the newly completed painting. Furthermore, his remarkably straightforward yet precise drawing style accentuates the characters in the artwork, making them more prominent. WooJ’s artworks encompass their unique worldview and adeptly portray our individuality amidst the bustling contemporary society in which we exist.
WooJ (김우중) 작가는 1993년 서울에서 태어났으며, 서울을 기반으로 활동하는 작가입니다. 김우중 작가의 작품은 그림을 완성하고 나면 관객들이 그림 속 흑백의 세계로 모험을 떠나게 됩니다. 그곳은 단순한 흑과 백이 아닌 모든 것이 존재합니다. 정해진 규칙이 없는 한없이 자유로운 모험 속 끝없는 사고 속에서 다양한 탐구와 고찰을 하게 되고, 그것은 바깥 현실의 모든 관계와 의미들에 또 다른 시선을 만들어줍니다. 그리고, 그 시선은 또다시 새롭게 완성된 그림 속으로 새로운 모험을 찾아 떠나게 합니다. 또한, 그의 작품 속에는 매우 단순하면서도 명쾌한 드로잉 처리는 작품 속에 등장하는 케릭터들을 더 돋보이게 해줍니다. 김우중 작가의 작품에는 그만의 세계관이 존재하며, 바쁘게 살아가는 현대사회속에서 존재하는 우리의 개성을 잘 표현하고 있습니다.
2012 Kyungbok High School, Seoul, South Korea
2023 Empty Space / Akunst Gallery / Seoul, South Korea
2022 UIAF (Ulsan International Art Fair / Ulsan, South Korea
2021 SEEA (Seoul Art Center) / H Contemporary Gallery / Seoul, South Korea
2021 Youth #7 - Group Exhibition / CICA Museum / Gimpo, South Korea
Ghost Town, 2023, Ink, Acrylic on paper mounted on wood board, 117 x 91 cm
Day and Night, 2023, Ink, Acrylic on paper mounted on wood board, 117 x 91 cm
Bored, 2022, Acrylic and Ink on paper mounted on board, 117 x 91 cm
Forgotten, 2022, Acrylic and Ink on paper mounted on board, 162.2 x 130.3 cm
Small Things, 2022, Acrylic and Ink on paper mounded on board, 162.2 x 130.3 cm
Always a Boy, 2022, Acrylic paint, marker, and pen on canvas, 100 x 80.3 cm
Secret Under The Veil, 2022, Pen, Spray, and Acrylic marker on paper, 69 x 53 cm
Electronic Music, 2022, Acrylic paint, marker, and pen on canvas, 91 x 73 cm
Spiderman, 2021, Acrylic marker, pen, and spray on paper, 81 x 61 cm
Fading City, 2021, Pen and Ink stick on paper, 61 x 48.3 cm
Icarus, 2021, Ink on paper, 70 x 50 cm
the Animal Kingdom, 2020, Pen on paper, 45 x 37 cm
Street of Silence, 2020, Pen and Ink stick on paper, 36 x 30 cm
Robot’s Sad Lightbulb, 2020, Pen and Ink stick on paper, 36 x 30 cm
Crystal Summer, 2020, Ink on paper, 36 x 28 cm
Ghost Flight, 2020, Ink on paper, 36 x 30 cm
Inner Dance, 2020, Ink on paper, 42 x 30 cm
Psychological Death, 2020, Ink on paper, 42 x 30 cm
Can’t Breath, 2020, Ink on paper, 42 x 30 cm