Ju Hyeon Lee (b. 1997)

Deep, Blue, and Morning Calm

Juhyeon Lee (b.1997) was borin in Changwon and is an artist based in Seoul, South Korea. In her works, the artist uses warm and cool color palettes simultaneously to depict water, nature, and sanctuaries. From this context, her artwork has a soothing effect on those who view it. Furthermore, Juhyeon Lee often paints beautiful seaside landscapes on canvas, allowing people to embark on their own journeys through her art. Her paintings are not just objects on paper or canvas but also serve on paper or canvas but also serve as tickets to a never-ending voyage. In this way, Juhyeon Lee constantly strives to convey that her artwork can serve as a new medium for people’s sanctuaries, continually challenging himself to depict people’s journeys and tranquil monasteires on canvas.

Juhyeon Lee (b. 1997)는 창원에서 태어났으며, 서울을 기반으로 활동하는 작가입니다. 이주현 작가의 작품에서는 물과 자연 그리고 안식처를 묘사하기 위해 따뜻하고 차가운 컬러 팔레트를 동시에 사용했습니다. 따라서, 그의 작품들을 보는 관객들은 편안함과 마음 따뜻함을 느낄 수 있습니다. 또한 이주현 작가는 아름다운 바다의 풍경을 캔버스 위에 그리는데 사람들은 그들만의 여행을 그림을 통해 시작합니다. 작가의 그림은 단순히 종이와 캔버스 위에 그려진 예술품이 아닌 영원한 여행을 떠날 수 있는 그런 티켓이기도 합니다. 이처럼 이주현 작가는 자신의 작품이 사람들의 안식처에 대한 새로운 매개체가 될 수 있다는 의미를 전달하기 위해 끊임 없이 도전하고 캔버스 위에 영원한 여행과 편안한 안식처를 그려냅니다.



2016 B.F.A., Department of Fine arts, Changwon National University

2023 Beyond the Horizon / Akunst Gallery / Seoul, South Korea


2022 Exhibition No. 1 / Akunst Gallery / Seoul, South Korea

2022 M.A., Department of Fine arts, Hongik University, Seoul, South Korea

2022 Solo Exhibition / Leesoo Gallery / Seoul, South Korea

2021 Vorspiel / Hongik University / Seoul, South Korea

2019 Selected Exhibition / Dongguan, China

2108 Selected Exhibition, Changwon, South Korea

2017 GIAF (Gyeongnam International Art Fair), Changwon, South Korea



  • Horizon 3, 2023, Oil paint on canvas, 130.3 x 162.2 cm

  • Horizon 4, 2023, Oil paint on canvas, 130.3 x 162.2 cm

  • Horizon 9, 2023, Oil paint on canvas, 97 x 130.3 cm

  • Horizon 8, 2023, Oil paint on canvas, 97 x 130.3 cm

  • Horizon 6, 2023, Oil paint on canvas, 97 x 130.3

  • Horizon 23, 2023, Oil paint on canvas, 97 x 130.3


  • Pool 01, 2022, Acrylic paint on canvas, 61 x 72 cm

  • Pool 02, 2022, Acrylic paint on canvas, 61 x 72 cm

  • Float 01, 2022, Acrylic paint on canvas, 61 x 72 cm

  • Flowers, 2022, Acrylic paint on canvas, 73 x 91 cm

  • For Rest 03, 2022, Acrylic paint on canvas

  • For Rest 04, 2022, Acrylic paint on canvas


  • Float, 2021, Acrylic paint on canvas, 130.3 x 162.2 cm

  • Sum Sum Zip, 2021, Acrylic paint on canvas, 130.3 x 162.2 cm

  • Repose, 2021, Acrylic paint on canvas, 130.3 x 162.2 cm

  • Encroach, 2021, Acrylic paint on canvas, 91 x 117 cm

  • For Rest 01, 2021, Acrylic paint on canvas, 61 x 73 cm

  • For Rest 02, 2021, Acrylic paint on canvas, 61 x 73 cm

  • Shadow 01, 2021, Oil paint on canvas, 117 x 91 cm

  • Shadow 02, 2021, Oil paint on canvas, 91 x 73 cm