Daun Jeong

Installation View, Daun Jeong: Layers of Patels that Blossom, April 6 - May 19, 2024, Akunst Gallery, Seoul


b. 1987, South Korea

Portrait of Daun Jeong

Layers that Petals that Blossom

Daun Jeong (b. 1987) is the Korean artist and she works on a series called ‘fabric drawing,’ where she creates artwork on fabric. For Jeong, the space becomes the canvas, and the variety of fabrics turn into paint. Layers of overlapping fabrics, each with different textures and colors harmoniously build up, forming a perfect harmony within the artwork. Moreover, the overlapping lines carry the artist’s narratives and tell her personal stories to the viewer’s who appreciate the artworks by Daun Jeong.

정다운 (b. 1987) 작가는 ‘패브릭 드로잉’이라는 천으로 그림을 그리는 회화라는 주제로 작업을 한다. 작가에게는 공간이 캔버스가 되며, 천들은 물감이 된다. 중첩되는 선들은 서로 다른 질감과 색으로 한 겹 한 겹 쌓여가며 조화를 이루고 하나의 완벽한 하모니를 이루는 작품으로 완성된다. 또한, 중첩된 선들은 작가의 이야기를 담고 있으며 이를 통해 관람객들은 정다운 작가의 개인적인 이야기와 하고자 하는 이야기를 들을 수 있다.

Daun Jeong, Fabric Drawing #147, 2023, Fabrics on Wooden frame, 91 x 116.8 cm

Selected Artworks

Daun Jeong, Fabric Drawing #162, 2024, Fabrics on Wooden frame, 116.8 x 91 cm

Fabric Drawing” literally means using fabric as paint on canvas, which is the name I have given to my work. To me, space becomes the canvas, and I leave my traces through drawings.

- Artist’s Note

Installation View, Daun Jeong: Layers of Patels that Blossom, April 6 - May 19, 2024, Akunst Gallery, Seoul

Daun Jeong, Fabric Drawing #156, 2024, Fabrics on Wooden frame, 80.3 x 80.3 cm

Daun Jeong, Fabric Drawing #157, 2024, Fabrics on Wooden frame, 80.3 x 80.3 cm

Daun Jeong, Fabric Drawing #151, 2023, Fabric on Wooden frame, 182 x 182 cm

Daun Jeong, Fabric Drawing #161, 2024, Fabrics on Wooden frame, 41 x 53 cm

Installation View, Daun Jeong: Layers of Patels that Blossom, April 6 - May 19, 2024, Akunst Gallery, Seoul

Daun Jeong, Fabric Drawing #164, 2024, Fabrics on Wooden frame, 33.4 x 24.2 cm

Installation View, Daun Jeong, Shift of Sensory, 2023, Jeonbuk Museum of Art

Daun Jeong, Fabric Drawing #158, 2024, Fabrics on Wooden frame, 80.3 x 80.3 cm

Daun Jeong, Fabric Drawing #155, 2024, Fabrics on Wooden frame, 80.3 x 80.3 cm

Daun Jeong, Fabric Drawing #134, 2022, Fabrics on Wooden frame, 80.3 x 80.3 cm

Installation View, Daun Jeong: Layers of Patels that Blossom, April 6 - May 19, 2024, Akunst Gallery, Seoul



South Korea, 1987


M.F.A. Fine Arts, Dondduk University, Korea, 2020

B.F.A Fine Arts, Dongduk University, Korea, 2013


Layers of Petals that Blossom, 2024, Akunst Gallery, Seoul South Korea

Fabric Paradise, 2023, Banyan Tree Seoul, Seoul, South Korea

Visible or Invisble, 2022, Space 1326, Seoul, South Korea

Better, Together, 2022, Artbit Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

찰나의 순간: Flow Naturally, 2021, IFC Seoul (International Finance Corporation), Seoul, South Korea

Fabric Drawing: Layerd Harmony, 2019, 63 Art Museum, Seoul, South Korea

Fabric Drawing, 2017, Mods Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

FABRIC DRAWING: Composition of Space: 2016, Space Sun +, Seoul, South Korea

Fabric Drawing - Stretched Mind, 2016, l’espace 71, Seoul, South Korea


Fabric Drawing, 2015, Dongduk Art Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

Flow, 2024, mansion9, Seoul, South Korea

Play x Fun = Happy, 2023, JeonBuk Museum of Art, Jeonju, South Korea

色彩日常, 2023, Teary Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

Encountering, 2023, BandiTrazos, Seoul, South Korea

REJOCE: Better, Together, 2023, Lotte Department Store - Lotte Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

Passage: Artificial Paradise, 2022, Seojung Art, Seoul, South Korea

IMAGE OF COLOR LAYER, 2022, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, South Korea

The Void, 2022, Space 1326, Seoul, South Korea

——-—- The Rest is Omitted ————


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